Amy Hayter
Dental Nurse
GDC No. – 313667
Amy joined the team in 2021 as a Trainee Dental Nurse having spent several years working in the customer service industry. She has a friendly and approachable manner and always does her best to create a welcoming environment for those visiting the practice.
Chris Seal
Principle Dentist -
Min Patel
Oral Surgeon & Clinical Director -
Natasha Luthra
Associate Dentist -
Anika Patel
Associate Dentist -
Eva Rodriguez
Periodontist -
Akeel Mosea
Associate Dentist -
Rose Mulvey
Specialist Endodontist -
Rahul Sadhwani
Dental Care Professionals
Charlotte Tarr
Head Dental Nurse -
Amy Hayter
Dental Nurse -
Ivanna Balay
Dental Nurse -
Harriett McDonnell
Trainee Dental Nurse -
Kelly Simpkins
Trainee Dental Nurse -
Amanda Melton
Treatment Coordinator