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It is impossible to over-emphasise the importance of the dental hygienist’s role in your dental healthcare. The three major causes of tooth loss in the UK are gum disease, tooth decay and toothbrush abrasion. These are all preventable, providing you have the necessary support. This vital and essential aspect of our dental practice philosophy is provided by our hygienists Emma and Tatiana.

As we often say, there is absolutely no point in having a lovely house built on a bog! Likewise there is no point in having lovely healthy teeth if the foundations (gum and bone) are not equally healthy. A clean and healthy mouth will improve your appearance and self-confidence, help you keep your teeth, give you fresh breath and help prevent life-threatening diseases such as heart disease, strokes and diabetes.

75% of all teeth still lost today are as a result of gum disease – a disease that is totally preventable.

As well as removing the causative factors associated with gum disease (plaque, calculus etc.), our hygienists can formulate an individual cleaning regime tailored to each person to meet your specific needs. That way, you can be sure that your oral hygiene regime minimises your risk of gum disease and tooth decay.

To help with our objectives, we stock an extensive range of oral healthcare products recommended by our hygienists – all at extremely competitive prices and many of which are difficult to find in supermarkets. Certain complimentary oral hygiene products are provided in conjunction with hygienist appointments in order to encourage their use.